The sixth birthday of “Fun Ship” Freddy – Carnival’s fun-loving mascot with a funnel-shaped head – was celebrated throughout the fleet in grand style.
Kids from “Camp Carnival” and the youth counselors went all out to make sure that Freddy’s birthday was a memorable, creating colorful birthday cards and banners and enjoying custom-designed birthday cakes created by the food and beverage staff.
Freddy was obviously impressed with the festivities as he couldn’t quit smiling and had a perpetual grin throughout each and every celebration.
Featured on all 22 Carnival ships, “Fun Ship” Freddy is roughly six feet tall and is normally decked out in his customary cruise staff uniform, with oversized white gloves and sneakers, and, of course, the requisite Carnival ID badge. “Fun Ship” Freddy also has a tux for formal night.
In addition to greeting visitors and interacting with visitors aboard ship, “Fun Ship” Freddy poses for photos throughout each voyage and is often found in the children’s play areas, the focal point of many “Camp Carnival” activities.
Those hired to portray “Fun Ship” Freddy must undergo an intensive shoreside training session followed by a four-day “test run” in full costume aboard ship before being hired.